Denison Commercial Historic District
Integrity Assessment

To document how their downtown has changed since it became a historic district in 1983, the City of Denison hired Rosin Preservation to resurvey the individual resources that make up the district. The City was particularly concerned that the nomination did not identify properties as contributing or non-contributing to the district, which is critical information for property owners wanting to apply for state and federal historic tax credits.

Rosin Preservation developed objective, site-specific criteria for evaluating integrity and applied these to each building in the district to verify its historic status. The project report recommends amending the nomination and extending the period of significance to 1968, to include resources that have reached the 50-year age threshold since 1983. This action alone would give over 30 additional resources access to state and historic federal tax credits.

Rosin Preservation presented the findings during a training session for historic preservation commissioners, property owners, and interested members of the public. In addition to discussing the integrity assessments of individual buildings during a walking tour, the presentation reviewed the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation focusing on common changes to buildings in Denison.

Learn more about Texas historic tax credits here: In The Know: Texas

News article: “Denison resurveys historic downtown building statuses”


Denison, TX
